Saturday, August 30, 2008

16 miles...WOW!!

Hey Everyone!

Thanks so much for your support! We are getting ever closer to our goal! So far things are going great! Bridget and I ran a nasty 15 miles, but followed up that tough run with a stellar 16 miles that we each did solo. How can one week make all the difference? Or maybe it was the new shoes?? My first pair was giving me achy knees and feet after 250 miles...That's right, 250 miles. And we are just halfway through our training!!

My excitement of the 16 miler was seeing a poor man with bloody nipples. I thought it was just something from the Office or an Urban Legend...Sorry to say that it is not! It is sort of amazing what people will do to run. Can't say I'm to that point yet. Or ever will be, for that matter!

Today I ran a 12 miler. If someone would have told me 3 months ago that a 12 mile run would be considered a "short" run on a cutback week, I would have laughed at them. Well, the running gods are laughing at all of us! I ran down the River Road in Minneapols/St. Paul, and there were so many other runners! And it is also amazing how a simple smile or good morning can keep me going! Thanks other runners! ;-)

The best part of all this running is that I can eat anything, and justify it! Maybe I should invest in Ben and Jerry's. Anyway, thanks again for your help! Chicago is only 6 weeks away!


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